Hatha Yoga is ancient Yogi practice. “Ha” means sun and “Tha” means moon. “Ha” is process of breathing from right Nose which is called Sun or ‘Pingla Nadi’. Similarly “Tha” is process of breathing from Left Nose which is called Moon or ‘Ida Nadi’. This process of breathing through both of these Nadis in such a way to awake third Nadi which is called ‘Sushumana Nadi’ which exist between these two Nadis.
“Hatha Yog” is the combination of ‘Yoga Asana’ & ‘Pranayam’ in such a way to awake ‘Sushumana Nadi’ and develop energy of “Shatchakra(Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipuraka etc.)” in human body. This developed energy helps in elevating the consciousness and makes the body perfectly fit so that Yogi can stay in any posture for long time.